Monday, October 12, 2009

Highs and Lows

Today was a day of ups and downs, just a little ride on the roller coaster of life. Yaknowwhatimsayin'?

1. It was my day off
2. I had a ritual cappuccino with Taylor
3. I celebrated Sam's birthday
4. Sam's birthday celebration meant that I ate a pound of nice cheese, Acme bread, Boccalone charcuterie, champagne, and a dozen oysters at 2:30 in the afternoon in front of a lit fireplace.
(Those were the good things)

Bad things:
1. My bike brakes finally shit the bed on Fell and Masonic--not close to my house.
2. I cleaned my old apartment for 4 hours in a futile attempt to reclaim my security deposit.
3. I inhaled a gallon of bleach fumes and now can only take shallow breaths.
4. I just found out that the Easter bunny isn't real.

Isn't it a crazy world we live in?


Morgsian said...

Emily buy my bike. It is calling your name.

FierceBEAUTY said...

your bike brakes